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Pinhead Adventures 综述

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The First Game from Neversold Studios, Pinhead Adventures is a planet hopping, gun toting, sword swinging, grappling adventure! Zortan has killed every last living soul except for the Pinhead. A small, triangular shaped alien guy who is followed around by Orbo. Orbo stands for: Organized Repository of Banked Objects, and he carries everything around for pinhead. Join Pinhead, Orbo, and Zortan on this 3D Action Platformer! 展开
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我的评分 :  0.0 【分项评分】

我的评分观点 : 


我的评分:0 很烂,估计没人玩吧~

画面 : 0.0
操作 : 0.0
音效 : 0.0
刺激 : 0.0
情节 : 0.0
印象 : 0.0

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