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Metal Shock Game 综述

0 玩家评分 暂无评价

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2星 0%



Metal Shock Game a Next Gen Indie Sc-fi FPS Shooter in production where you will engage in fierce intense tactical combat on foot, jump into your Mecha suit and unleash fast smooth fiery mechanized warfare on crowded Gigatropolis streets then take off to the sky to engage in glorious 6Dof Ariel combat among towering structures all in a massive intricate seamless futuristic world. 展开
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我的评分 :  0.0 【分项评分】

我的评分观点 : 


我的评分:0 很烂,估计没人玩吧~

画面 : 0.0
操作 : 0.0
音效 : 0.0
刺激 : 0.0
情节 : 0.0
印象 : 0.0

我的评分观点 : 
