ZOL游戏库> 单机游戏大全 > 冒险游戏 >

Failure Drill 综述

0 玩家评分 暂无评价

10星 0%

8星 0%

6星 0%

4星 0%

2星 0%



In this 2D, story driven singleplayer adventure game set in the near future, the player controls a schoolgirl named Claire during her journey to find purpose and acceptance as a military cadet in a mysterious war, while also attempting to understand the often-overlooked enigmas her identity and reality hinged upon before enlisting. This game is a story-rich drama with psychological horror themes and stylized 2D art. 展开
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我的评分 :  0.0 【分项评分】

我的评分观点 : 


我的评分:0 很烂,估计没人玩吧~

画面 : 0.0
操作 : 0.0
音效 : 0.0
刺激 : 0.0
情节 : 0.0
印象 : 0.0

我的评分观点 : 
