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Splurge 综述

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Splurge is a multiplayer strategy game (akin to something like chess or checkers) where up to 8 players play on an online board and the only goal is to be the last player remaining. Select a colour and splurge all over the place to dominate your friends! Place on a blank tile to claim it, and fill it up to immediately claim all tiles adjacent to it, but watch out as your friends can do the same. Will you survive the splurge purge? 展开
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我的评分 :  0.0 【分项评分】

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我的评分:0 很烂,估计没人玩吧~

画面 : 0.0
操作 : 0.0
音效 : 0.0
刺激 : 0.0
情节 : 0.0
印象 : 0.0

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