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10星 0%

8星 0%

6星 0%

4星 0%

2星 0%



“List” is a single player first-person horror game that takes your character back to grandma’s house. As a requirement of your inheritance you must survive five nights in her home. She’s left you with a set of instructions to aid in your survival - but you have to choose your difficulty and make sure you keep up with all the tasks on her list - much more than once. List will get your adrenaline pumping by managing all of these horrible household tasks such as keeping candles lit, feeding the thing in the basement and making sure that baby doll doesn’t make it to the door - but be sure to never turn your back on an open window - or else. Packed full of jump scares and frightening sound and lighting effects List combines all of your worst childhood nightmares with fast-paced gameplay. You’ll have to play more than once to survive. 展开
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我的评分 :  0.0 【分项评分】

我的评分观点 : 


我的评分:0 很烂,估计没人玩吧~

画面 : 0.0
操作 : 0.0
音效 : 0.0
刺激 : 0.0
情节 : 0.0
印象 : 0.0

我的评分观点 : 
