Regular Human Basketball

Regular Human Basketball

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Regular Human Basketball is the multiplayer party-starter that has your team wrestling to control your giant mechanical death machine. Yelling orders, flipping switches, and shootin' hoops in a post-apocalyptic basketball showdown.

Work together to control the human.
  • Play a 1 on 1 match, or bring in friends to help out.
  • Initiate your magnet to grab the ball, while a buddy rotates it all into position.
  • Invade your opponents mech and disable their thrusters while they try to chase you out.

Online or Splitscreen Multiplayer for 2 or more ballers.
  • Add steam friends to your party to battle each other, and challenge other teams online. (*requires non-private steam community profile)
  • Support for a huge number of controllers for local play.
  • Can you achieve harmonious dunking with 10 players all pressing buttons and yelling orders?

State of the art basketball simulation
  • Six titanic arenas to dunk in.
  • Advanced player face generator with all the latest parts, like LEFT_EYEBROW_42B!
  • Realistic basketball commentary from real human commentators.
  • A pumping 80s hip-hop soundtrack that ll have you waving your arms in the air like you just don t exhibit the human ability to care!

Lifelike physics simulates over 4 human emotions.

Physics in video games are always perfect, and this is no exception. Yelling, confusion and flipping upside-down will be things of the past, as you guide your human to the perfect dunk with pinpoint precision. No flailing, flopping and falling out only to be accidentally squished buy your well-meaning buddy here!

Michael Jordan once called basketball "The Sport of Kings". That was shortly before someone accidentally turned off his magnet mid-dunk and he crashed to the floor upside down with legs flailing and boosters rotating the wrong way. Poor Michael, he sustained serious chassis damage.


Windows Mac OS X SteamOS+Linux


操作系统 Windows XP (sp2) or later
处理器 2.8 GHz Dual Core Processor or equivalent
内存 3 GB RAM
显卡 NVIDIA since 2006 (GeForce 8), AMD since 2006 (Radeon HD 2000), Intel since 2012 (HD 4000 / IvyBridg
direct_x Version 9.0c
存储空间 2 GB available space
附注事项 Broadband internet connection required for online play


画面 : 0.0
操作 : 0.0
音效 : 0.0
刺激 : 0.0
情节 : 0.0
印象 : 0.0

我的评分观点 : 

Regular Human Basketball
总时数 8.3 小时
操控机器人打篮球,又一款聚会佳作游戏由17173萤火虫提供【游戏简介】这是一款操控机器人来打篮球的多人合作竞技游戏。游戏本身画风和玩法都已经非常成熟和创新,有点类似近期的《Far Lone Sail》操控汽车,或者是《危险时刻的恋人》。但美中不足的是目前仅仅支持多人对抗,甚至没有AI设计,也就是说目前无法一个人游玩。【游戏体验】本作的画风走的是清新路线,UI也很简洁,给人的第一印象很好。但目前仅有三个模式:离线、聚会和在线。这三种模式均需要至少两个人才能玩起来,第一种需要本地至少两个人1V1,第二种需要联网和朋友联机,而第三种则需要在线匹配到对手。当然了,如果人多,5V5也完全没问题。游戏中的等待界面也很有趣,玩家可以通过和场景的交互来进行设置,比如换颜色,按按钮换地图,或者如果不喜欢当前角色可以到钉子那里自杀来更换新的角色。那么抛开目前必须多人的设计,玩法方面还是新颖有趣的。游戏中两个队伍分别操控一个巨大的机器人来比赛。当玩家进入机器人内部时,会看到有多个按钮可以按,包括上下左右,旋转手臂,旋转喷射器。喷射器只有在机器人站起后才有用,而篮筐的高度使得机器人必须飞起来到一定高度才能够得到。至于篮球的抓取,本作采用了吸铁石的设定,当篮球靠近机器人手上的吸铁石时,就会被吸住,因此不包括运球这种现实中篮球的玩法。在进球后,游戏还会重放从外部看的机器人进球的录像,也是很好看了。不过经过实测,1V1的时候还是很容易手忙脚乱,并且动作迟钝,人多会让整个比赛变得激烈和流畅很多。【游戏点评】画面 8/10。本作的美术风格清新舒服,完全挑不出毛病,不过美术量本身也很少就是了。游戏性 8/10。游戏性因人而异,首先如果网络上的匹配很容易的话,它其实是一款很有潜力的新式竞技类项目。或者玩家有很多小伙伴的话,它也是个很好的party game。但如果经常一个人玩游戏,在目前网上也难以匹配到人的情况下,这款作品几乎无法体验,因此强烈建议开发者制作单人模式。完成度 5/10。本作目前的核心玩法已经实现的很到位,但依然很多需要加入的东西来丰富整个体验。【总结】总的来说,游戏的创意很不错,玩起来也很搞笑刺激,但如果你只有一个人,那么目前还是不推荐,等到网上玩家多了或者单人模式推出,可以考虑再入手。更多游戏推荐请关注17173萤火虫鉴赏家
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